ZOLL AED Plus CPR-D Demo Manikin (8000-0835-01)


CPR-D Demo Manikin (8000-0835-01)

  • Includes Manikin Torso with Velcro Strips Attached and a Separate Head with HardWarranty for Attachment (AED Plus®, Pro, R Series® and M Series® Manikin)
  • Simulates 60-kg victim
  • Removable head for compact storage and hands-on training.


Please don’t hesitate to contact us at 1300 729 575 or info@defibshop.com.au for further enquiries.


Defibshop – makes saving lives easy.

Australia’s No: 1 Defibrillator Store!

Available on backorder

CPR-D Demo Manikin (8000-0835-01)

  • Includes Manikin Torso with Velcro Strips Attached and a Separate Head with HardWarranty for Attachment (AED Plus®, Pro, R Series® and M Series® Manikin)
  • Simulates 60-kg victim
  • Removable head for compact storage and hands-on training.


Please don’t hesitate to contact us at 1300 729 575 or info@defibshop.com.au for further enquiries.


Defibshop – makes saving lives easy.

Australia’s No: 1 Defibrillator Store!