Congratulations to the Maitland District Netball Association on successfully applying for and receiving one of the many Office of Sport NSW funding grants to equip their club with a defibrillator package from the Defibshop!

Club members came together one evening in May to be taken through Sudden Cardiac Arrest and how to use their defibrillator should the need arise. “Effectively, should a member of the club have a Sudden Cardiac Arrest at the venue now, their chances of survival are now possibly right up in the 70, 80 or even 90%+ range” said Carpet Hughes, Intensive Care Paramedic & Managing Director of the Defibshop.
Would you like to join the Maitland District Netball Association? Then follow this link: Maitland District Netball Association
If you’d like to submit an application for a grant in the next round of grants to be allocated later in 2018, take a look at the following link: Office of Sport NSW –Defibshop packages
Like to donate an AED to a community group? Contact the Defibshop on 1300 729 575 or email us at to discuss making a donation in your area to a community group!
The Defibshop – Proudly supporting sporting clubs, community groups, churches and many other organisations throughout Australia to be HeartSafe!