123ABCDefibshop Defibs are now:

  • Easy to use – all AED’s / PAD’s talk to you and walk you through any Sudden Cardiac Arrest
  • Safe – you cannot shock anyone who should not be shocked
  • Affordable
  • Light weight and portable
  • Require minimal training and maintenance – all first aid courses now cover defibrillation

Owning a defibrillator or having access to a defibrillator is a bit like an insurance policy. It is something you never want to use, but if you do need it, it will be well worth while, and you’ll be glad you have it! What price can you put on someones life?

Defibs will maximise the chance of you saving the life of your partner, son, daughter, mum, dad, grand mother, grand father, brother, sister, relative, boss, friend, visitor or, the life of a complete stranger in the event that Sudden Cardiac Arrest occurs where a defib is nearby.

Chances are, you may well already know someone who has been saved by a defibrillator. Can you put a price on his or her life?

A defibrillator is an affordable and easy to use device. Contact your Defibshop now to discuss your defibrillator needs and how we may be able to assist you.


Defibshop – makes saving lives easy!

Australia’s No: 1 Defibrillator Store!