Your Defibshop stocks the leading brands of defibs from a range of suppliers. The defibs stocked have been hand picked from a wide range of available products and we are confident one of our products will meet your needs. We stock a range of defibs / AED’s / PAD’s to allow customers to compare products, specifications, features, prices and accessories in the one location. This provides customers a choice without undue pressure from retailers with a single product. Unlike most defibrillator retailers, your Defibshop’s core business is providing defibs, allowing us to focus on meeting your requirements and expectations.
Your Defibshop staff have extensive experience in the field and have treated many out-of-hospital Sudden Cardiac Arrests. Our staff are able to provide expert advice on the products to best suit your circumstances, needs and budget. Your Defibshop ensures all staff are suitably trained to provide the service you require and expect. Your Defibshop prides itself on customer service and does not forget about you after you make a purchase. We offer extensive post sale product and clinical support. Our exclusive Defib HealthCheck™ membership subscription package is provided free for the first year after your purchase. This provides members with a comprehensive Defib HealthCheck™ several times throughout the year, advanced notification of defibrillation pads/components nearing expiration in addition to a range of other services.
Your Defibshop staff are here to take your call after you have used your defibrillator to answer any questions you may have about the use of the defibrillator and Sudden Cardiac Arrest. With more than twenty three years of pre & out of hospital care experience, Defibshop Managing Director Carpet Hughes says “With a vast array of experience working on patients suffering sudden cardiac arrest, your Defibshop and our staff are here to help you.” “From choosing the right AED / PAD defib for your situation, to planning your Emergency Response Plan, our Defib HealthCheck™ and ongoing support, your Defibshop is here to assist”