The Defibshop is exceptional among suppliers of Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) in that we sell, service, and maintain all leading brands of AEDs approved for use in Australia, and stock consumables (batteries and pads) for each brand.

Our medical and paramedical expertise also qualifies us to advise you about the type, number and location of AEDs appropriate to your organisation, and we offer:

  • AED audits
  • Biomedical testing to identify faulty AEDs and ensure each AED is operating within manufacturer settings and guidelines, Instruction for staff – usually by an Intensive Care Paramedic – in the use of AEDs, how to identify and manage a Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Signage (including CPR charts)
  • AED cabinets and wall brackets
  • Installation and installation hints
  • Assistance with AED protocols and procedures, including placing an AED into your Emergency Response Plan
  • ongoing AED maintenance assistance and programs

The Defibshop was founded in 2008 by highly-trained Intensive Care Paramedics and educators Carpet Hughes and Dr Jason Bendall.

Both Carpet and Jason have treated and saved many victims of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) so they know that defibrillators save lives! Having patients responding to defibrillation and sitting up talking by the time they were transported to hospital has been the driving force behind the Defibshop.

Carpet Hughes is Managing Director of the Defibshop. He has more than 31 years experience delivering and teaching pre-and-out-of hospital care to the community, paramedics, intensive care paramedics, students and allied health professionals. Carpet is a fully registered and qualified Intensive Care Paramedic with a major Australian ambulance service and still maintains his clinical skills on road. He was part of the team to roll out the 12 Lead ECG program resulting in patients being transported by paramedics to Cardiac Catheter Labs for cardiac stents to be implanted, resulting in saving many lives and giving additional years of life to many patients. Carpet is also Resus4Kids qualified. Currently, he fulfils the role of Chairman of the Ambulance Provident Fund   and committee member of the  Australian Resuscitation Council NSW (ARC NSW Branch). Previously, Carpet was Chairman of the Australian and New Zealand College of Paramedicine and Chief Executive Officer for more than eighteen months,  a director of Paramedics Australasia (NSW Branch)     secretary of the Australian Resuscitation Council NSW and a Paramedic Educator for a major Australian Service overseeing the education and clinical practice of over 500 paramedics.

Carpet’s vast knowledge of resuscitation and Sudden Cardiac Arrest is valuable when helping you choose the correct defibrillator for your specific need and use. And, his assistance doesn’t stop when you buy your defibrillator – his knowledge is there for you for the life of your defibrillator once you make a purchase from the Defibshop.

Please call our team on 1300 729 575 Australia wide so we can discuss working together to help ensure that you and your organisation is doing everything possible to save lives in the event of Sudden Cardiac Arrest.


Defibshop – makes saving lives easy!

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