Sudden Cardiac Arrest can happen to anyone, anywhere at any time – even at an auction to buy your new home!! Nick Johnstone Real Estate auctions are the safest to be at following the purchase of a defibrillator recently from the Defibshop after a Sudden Cardiac arrest occurred at an auction. The patient, Mr Friedman was lucky to survive when excellent CPR was given and an ambulance arrived shortly thereafter.
The Defibshop is pleased to be the supplier to Nick Johnstone Real Estate and many other estate agents throughout Australia – helping to make auctions around the country HeartSafe locations to be!

Tom Friedman (right) with Dane Costello — the Brighton-based real estate agent who gave him CPR after the 65-year-old had a sudden heart attack at an auction. Picture: Andrew Henshaw
To equip your real estate agency with a complete defibrillator package, call the Defibshop now on 1300 729 575.
See the following link to get the full story compliments of Samantha Landy from the Herald Sun.