AED Maintenance / Defibrillator Servicing – NSW, QLD, VIC, SA

AED Maintenance  / Defibrillator Servicing by the Defibshop!

It is important to maintain AEDs (defibrillators) to make sure they are always in good order to respond should they be needed for a Sudden Cardiac Arrest.

Whilst you should be checking your AEDs on a regular basis, a more thorough professional service and maintenance is recommended on an annual basis.

Having a proper provider undertake this work for you assists with making sure your AEDs are in good order, and from a company / organisation perspective, it minimises the risk that your AED might not respond as expected when needed.


** Our team include professionals such as fully registered and practicing Intensive Care Paramedics who really do use defibrillators and have actually worked successfully on patients in Sudden Cardiac Arrest! **


Our servicing and maintenance offers the following:


We service many of the below industries/businesses:


Our servicing and maintenance service is not simply a “check the green indicator and pads expiry” and “its all good.”


We spend the time to test/check/tag all AEDs and once your unit(s) have been serviced, you will receive a thorough report.

This report provides all the information of the service and is useful also at times such as WH&S and equipment auditing


Additionally, we review your AED signage, CPR signage and replace or add where applicable.

Standard signage / stickers are included in the work undertaken.


A brief look at why we recommend professional servicing and maintenance of your AEDs:


You can see just a few examples above of why it is important for professionals to take a review of your AED equipment.

Our team include professionals who really do, and have used defibrillators! They have sound knowledge of how the AED is to work and will ensure your AED is in Rescue ready mode for any Sudden Cardiac Arrest you may have on-site!


We can tailor a plan to assist you with your AEDs. Whether it is one unit for your sports club, church or office, or 10, 50 or even hundreds for your company, government department, volunteer entity, we can assist you!


To book in your AED(s), please send an email to  or call us on 1300 729 575 during office hours (8am to 4pm)

A quote will be provided. Pricing may vary depending on the brand & model of AED, and the number of AEDs you require to be serviced.


We look forward to assisting you shortly.


Your Defibshop Team!

Unit 5 / 51 Nelson Road

P : 1300 729 575