DEVICES AFFECTED: This notice only applies to the scope of the Product Defect Correction is inclusive of devices with serial numbers that begin with the following prefixes:
16B, 16C, 16D, 16E, 16G, 16H 17B, 17D, 17E, 17G, 17H 18B, 18D, 18E, 18G, 18H 19B, 19D, 19E, 19G, 19H 20B, 20D, 20E, 20G, 20H 21B, 21D, 21E, 21G, 21H 22B, 22D, 22E, 22G, 22H 23B, 23D, 23E, 23G, 23H 24B, 24D, 24E, 24G, 24H.
STEP 1: Please check the Prefix of your unit – found on the back of your unit per instruction below:
STEP 2: If the prefix on the notice is found on your unit, please check the PAD-PAK-03 reference and check EXPIRY date (Little hourglass)
STEP 3: IF YOUR PAD-PAK-03 has expired, please urgently replace by ordering here