Your Defibshop supports the report put out by the ARC NSW Branch highlighting the serious need for more defibrillators to be placed throughout our communities. Whilst the report highlights Sudden Cardiac Arrests in Sydney, Defibshop Managing Director Carpet Hughes said “There is no doubt Sydney is not a stand alone location.” Given the vast size of our country and the times for many to receive advanced assistance such as an ambulance, Mr Hughes emphasised the need for businesses and communities throughout Australia to invest in a defibrillator.
The following is from the ARC NSW Branch ” A comparison of survival following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Sydney, Australia between 2004-2005 and 2009-2010″. The study team for this paper was lead by A/Professor Paul Middleton (the ARCNSW Chair). The report’s main finding – that out-of-hospital cardiac survival rates have decreased in Sydney – has resulted in much media interest over the past few days, and highlights the pressing need for a NSW cardiac arrest registry, and a robust and evidence-directed program of community CPR education and AED deployment.
Your Defibshop supports the recommendations of the report.